A Short Visit To Rakuh-a-idi And Diura Fishing Village

A Short Visit To Rakuh-a-idi And Diura Fishing Village

Rakuh-a-idi old settlement, which the locales call the fishing village was the next stop. This is also where the Diura Fishing Village is located. A tiny village facing the Pacific Ocean around three kilometers east of Mahatao town. Site where local fishermen perform the Kapayvanuvanua ritual to signify the start of the fishing season. The local government maintains a traditional house that it rents to visitors. This is a perfect site to escape from the town center. This tiny village by the Pacific is home to Ivatan fisher folks and offers a refuge to those who just want to experience rural, seaside living in Batanes.

Upon arrival, we were greeted with smiles, yet again, from the fisher folks. Our driver went straight to the Heritage Office where he paid our entrance fees, good for a day of sight-seeing. What enthralled me was how simple life is for these fisher folks. One can only imagine how they thrive on fishing for their everyday sustenance, whew! I wouldn’t really know. But what I do know of is the peace and serenity the folks have, which is quite evident in their smiles.

simplicity in everyday living, very evident even in their houses

this is where they make the "daing"

volcanic rocks still visible from Mt. Iraya's last eruption

nature's work, this structure can be seen from Marlboro Country

a coconut crab worth roughly P1000

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